Monday, November 2, 2009

When the cloud of candy clears...

I would be remiss if I did not post about our sugar fueled Halloween. So in the spirit of the night, and with my deepest apologies to Miley Cyrus, here goes:

I pulled to the curb at Tina's house, with my habit and my rosary.
Ninja son bolted from the backseat, glad to finally be free.
Grabbed all our treat bags, headed out into the twilight,
Eight kids in our group, try to keep them all in sight.

Then it got real crazy, drinks were making things hazy,
The kids start yelling, and they're getting pretty restless
Too much candy makes them hyper
So we turn the corner to go back home
and the Miley song came on.

and the Miley song came on,
and the Miley song came on,
and the Miley song came on.

So I kicked my shoes off, held my beads tight
started out with the running man.
nodding my head like "yeah, I'm scarring my son for life"
Got my habit on, doing the cabbage patch, flowing into the Kid N Play.
Yeeeeaaaaaah, It's a Party in the USA.
Yeeeeaaaaaah, It's a Party in the USA.

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