Holy Cow! I just saw my odometer... In the past 4 days I have made a round trip to Athens, TX (360 miles) a round trip to Dallas (380 miles) and a round trip to San Antonio (200 miles). No wonder my head is spinning! Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for a good road trip. In college I remember loading up in a couple of cars and driving to Memphis, or during one particularly ambitious spring break, to Lake Havasu City, AZ. But nearly 1000 miles in one week is just a little too much for me. Most of our time was spent hanging out in the pressbox of whatever stadium Bob was rehearsing in, but we did find this cool abandoned rest stop on the side of I-35.![src=]()
Saturday was spent at the Alamo dome (every time I see that I think of a la mode and I crave pie) watching Bob rehearse for DCI Southwest. We all had our own way of preparing:
Will concentrated on defeating the decepticons.
I read my book.
Showtime!! That's Bob at the bottom watching while SCV takes the field. We had some sweet seats to watch from.
We left after the show and got home around 2 A.M. So nice to have a few days to decompress, and even better because Bob is home for a few days!!! Next up for us: New floors!
Decompress and new floors do not go hand in hand! Is Bob playing a video game to prepare in that pic too? It was good to see yall. We need to do it again down by you. Maybe ACL?
A purple cast....cool!
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